Help Us Transform Lives

Dear Friends,

I wanted to share a powerful story that illustrates the incredible impact of your support. Recently, I received a heartfelt call from a mother whose son, JK, is the last of her four boys to attend our camp. Here’s a glimpse of our conversation:

“Pastor Scott, as camping season approaches, I’m reminded of the day I first met you over 15 years ago. I was at my son’s school, desperate and overwhelmed by the trouble he was in. Someone suggested your ministry, and though I was skeptical, I made the call. You arrived at the school within 30 minutes, supported me with the administration, and helped enroll my son in an alternative school. That call changed our lives.

My boys have grown up without a dad, and while they’ve faced many challenges, you’ve always been there for each one of them. You never gave up, despite their struggles and discipline issues. As I fill out JK’s camp forms, I’m brought to tears, grateful for how your ministry and camping program have profoundly impacted our family. I want to donate to the camp this year, knowing it’s an invaluable experience I could never have afforded as a single mother of five.”

This touching story is just one example of how your generosity transforms lives. Our summer camp has been a beacon of hope for many families like JK’s. However, this year presents a unique challenge. The camp we’ve used for the past 15 years is closed for repairs, necessitating a move to a new location in Avon Park. This transition will significantly increase our costs, but we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing this life-changing experience.

We rely on your continued support to make camp a reality for many abused, abandoned, and at-risk youth. Your special gift will ensure we can cover the additional expenses and reach more families with the love and guidance they desperately need.

Would you consider partnering with us again this year to help us achieve this mission? Together, we can create lasting change and inspire young people and their families to trust in Jesus through our summer camp program.

In His Service,

Scott Hirdes

Director, Leverage Ministries

Sandy Johnson